Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Enjoy your Meal
Name of Restaurant: ´The Four Seasons´
Time you are collected from your home: 7pm
What type of meal did you eat? French
What competition did you win?
Karaoke competition on a local Mexican radio station.
Who was my guest? Will
Paragraph Plan
Paragraph 1: General Introductions. What competition did you win? Why? Etc.
Paragraph 2: Describe your evening and why you enjoyed it (or didn´t enjoy it)
Paragraph 3: Comment on the food you ate, the quality of the food and the service at the restaurant.
Paragraph 4: Would you recommend the restaurant to anyone? Why? Say your goodbyes. Juarez 15, Casa 8.
San Angel, 01000.
Dear James, Paragraph 1
Hello darling, how are you doing? Mexico is colourful and I am loving the latino living! There is so much to see and do here in Mexico City and the beach is so close. My Spanish is ever improving and the other week I won a singing competition on the local radio. The prize was dinner at a fancy French restaurant, in fact probably the best one in town. It was such a treat!
Paragraph 2
Last Saturday night, Will and I were collected from our house and driven to ´The Four Seasons´ Restaurant.

Friday, 28 September 2007


Paper 2
Reading and writing
I’m going to answer the paper backwards and I have two hours! :D

Write an article for a newspaper/magazine in which you state your opinion about how people sent to
prison should be treated. Key words!!!

How people sent to prison should be treated ?!
They should be punished, go to therapy, made aware of the consecuences, need help, education…give them a routine and make them do social work like clean the streets, get them to exercise!
Introduce them to a better life by setting a good example…
Homework is to w

The comments above may give you some ideas but you are free to use ideas of your
Your article should be about 200 words long.


You Killed My Grandma!

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Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Selling a car...

Do you like calling other people´s attenion? Do you love being the center of attention? Do you admire car racers? All you need is the coolest and fastest car of the millenium!! The new Audi TT will make you be the nvy of everyone!!! It is like flying on the roads, rapidness, craiziness and madness!!

It´s enormous, it´s sportive, it´s Audi!!!Totally tormentous Audi TT!!! Its faster than a hummingbird or a cheetah!!! Radidly spreading through the world!! Red, black, beige, green, any colour you wish! The car will smile at you everytime you get on it. And if you want to travel somwhere... SNAP! you are there in a flash!

The new Audi will sense your desire of driving and its friendñy comftable seats will be there for you for life!! Do you like freedom? Fast, friendly, and a furious car, is all you!!!

by Renata Altamirano!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Language Devices

1.- Do I Look Stupid?
Rethorical Question: A question that does not have to be answered.
2.- Madness, Badness and Craziness.
Assonance: Repetition of a middle or end sound.
3.- Like a wild swan, she gracefully floated a cross the room.
Similie: Comparision of different things by the use of "like" and/or "as".
4.- I am a cute and fluffy duck.
Metaphore: Comparing by saying that something is something else.
5.- Work hard, eat cake abd party!
Point of three: use three points.
6.- I am the best student in the class!
Opinion: Point of view.
7.- Bully brutally butchered bride.
Alliteration: Emotive Language.
8.- It was a marvelous occasion.
Adjective: describes a noun.
9.- Think Smart, Think New, Think Pink.
Repetition: Repetition of a word to create an effect.
10.-The door grinned at the "A Team" working hard.
Personification: Giving human characteristics to a inanimate object.
11.- Snap, Cackle & Pop.
Onomatopoeia: Word that are sounds.
BY THE A TEAM. written by edi...:)

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

antonio maza motivation

Hello my name is Antonio and I’m going to talk to you about my motivations, and why they motivates me?
My greatest motivation is Ninjutsu, which is a martial art. Its philosophy has greatly influenced my life and since I live in Mexico City the combat techniques are useful if you are alone in the street (luckily I have never had to use them).
I guess that Ninjutsu started to be on of my motivations the day I learned it existed, because I felt it was a place where I fitted perfectly , I started to have a different perspective upon the world and upon life. One of the things that I like most, about Ninjutsu, it is the way it makes me feel when I’m surrounded by nature, for the feeling is a warm, peaceful one , as if I had never met the word “problem” or experienced sadness.
In a certain way I would like to be the best in Ninjutsu but in a weird I would rather be one of the best (so one of the best but not the best), I guess being the best at Ninjutsu is not my biggest aim.
Part of Ninjutsu is having balance in mind an body, in other word to have a good physical condition and a peaceful mind ( which is quite hard to achieve)
Ninjutsu has influenced my believing and motivated me to be more confident when I take decisions. Also to be more responsible with stuff in general.
As I said before I would like to become one of the best in Ninjutsu and use it to do good thing in this world (maybe stop a war, if possible).
My friends motivate me a lot in the acrobatic part of Ninjutsu because it isn’t my strongest ability , its not that I don’t have the physical condition to do them (well maybe for one or two I need to improve my condition), it is that I don’t commit to it as I should, so I guess that’s another goal in my life, to improve my acrobatics part of Ninjutsu.
Every time I watch Naruto , which is anime and it has ninjas and many cool things, I am motivate to practice Ninjutsu and to give my best at it.
Something that also motivates me is music, the percussion part mostly. I play the drum kit and I enjoy it very much, the bad part is that I don’t get to play as much a I would like to, because my drum kit is in my mum house because I only go Mondays to take one hour lesson. My favorite percussion band is Safri Duo, so they are a kind of a motivation to me (in the musical part of my life). I play the drum kit because it relaxes me if I’m stressed and I feel good when I play. I would like to become as good as Safri Duo, although is quite hard. I am also motivated to be better than my drum teacher in some exercises which I slowly achieving (I think).

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Raquel S!

My name is Raquel im 16 years old and I love to be called Rak by all my friends.My goal this yeas is to get an A* at the Enlish IGCSE.
Im still not sure of what I want to be when I grow up, but I kñow that I want to finish a career at mexico and go to live some time at another countrie.
I like to spend my time swimming or with my family and friends, I believe that friendship is a great feeling that motivates me to keep going,but Im sure that the family is the strongest motivation, my brother Abraham he is 18 years old and he goes to the amercian school, he usally helps me at any situation.
I usally thought that English was a difficult lesson and I didnt enjoy it as much as I do now but I do think I should,start reading more in English and that would help me to imporve.
I really think this is going to be a better year and I hope that I can achieve all my goals.

Posted by We are going to achieve the best! at 08:53 0 comments

Jay Jay

Well continuing the description about what people have influnced my life, my sister, my brother and my self have had a very good relationship, yes we had some difficulties as everybody but even though things have always been looking good, that's the kind of relations that I want to have with all the people that surround me. If I keep a state of joy with people, well that means that IM also, going to be in a state joy and that's one of the thing I have learned from my family and mostly form my sister and brother. These two people have really made a difference in my life, responsible, hard working, honest and mostly they are very happy so I want my life to be that's way, I want my life to be abundant in all areas love, happiness, health and wealth.

So basically I want my life to be as the one my brother and sister are living, because they are the two people that really keep me going in life, so they are in some way the inspiration of really work hard and achive my goals in life. Therefore I want to thank them for what they have taught me so far and for the things that I'll continue to leran form them. Thanks Ximena and Carlos. :D

Friday, 31 August 2007

Raquel S!

My name is Raquel im 16 years old and I love to be called Rak by all my friends.My goal this yeas is to get an A* at the Enlish IGCSE.Im still not sure of what I want to be when I grow up.
I like to spend my time swimming or with my family and friends, I believe that friendship is a great feeling that motivates me to keep going.

Bernardo Magnani

Hello, my name is Bernardo Magnani, I love listening to music; Melodic Death Metal, Jazz, Technical Metal, Progressive, Rock, Blues, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Pop, Gospel, etc. etc. etc... I play bass and I enojoy writing playing and composing music. Love art; literature, painting, photography, maovies, music, etc.

One of my main academic goals this year is to improve my creative writing in English, so that I can achive a B an A or maybe an A° in my coming IGCSE.

-My Inpiration...

My main inpiration comes maily form art; music, painting, literature and sculture. I love art that much because sais lots in just a look or a sound.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Federico Hemmer

My name is Federico , when I leave school I´ll enter into the design career .
In English I want to achieve an A* by working hard , completing all tasks etc etc.

The work of Chris Cunningham inspires my way of thinking through design.
By creating progressive items that enter into the minimalist contrast , he creates an atmosphere inbolving a very fine flow of surrealism that at the same time represent the popular expressionism.
What I have done so far in design reflects a duality between elements found in life giving an especial feeling by each material used in my work.
By having my ideals well placed I want to achieve great grades in order to have the best university education that I can find in my design carreer.These ambitions inspires me to continue working hard.

Michelle Bandal

My name is Michelle, I want to get a great grade in my english IGCSE.

Millaray Carranza

My name is Millaray Carranza. This year I want to get an A in English.This are some of the thins I love doing;Cooking,Shopping and travelling.

Dear diary:

I remembered about the moment I started with my cooking. I got feminine chicken pox at the age of seven. I had coat the sickness at school, all my school friends had it. My mother had brought me to the doctor’s office that evening and the pediatrician had put me on a protector cream to take that ichie thing of me, and told my mother to have me rest in bed.

I rested in bed for about ten days. My mother recalls that on the tenth night when she put me to bed, my lips were more red than usual, ( that was because I ate a lollipop before I went to bed).
It was horrible I was board the only thing I could do was see tv but not all the time; at first I thought It was interesting and I was so happy I could stay home and see tv but after the sixth day I felt stuffed.
The last thing I seen in the television was a cooking lesson in Hawaii the tv was on but my brain wasn’t so I did not put attention at all at the program.

Day 7: at night at 4am I dreamed about a lovely dinner with my favorite things but the strangest thing was that the chef was me. It was horrible but the best thing I remembered was that the food was better than ever.

The next morning about 8:00 A.M., I woke up and hoped that I could taste that love taste I had ate the night before again today. That day was the day I had the strangest thought, when I went back in my dream I remembered that the chef was me so the creasiest idea came to my head. I run down the stairs to the kitchen and started with my buffet.

That’s why 8 years later I feel motivated by cooking and also the cooking has converted in the best thing I can do in my free time.
Going back the only thing I can say is that maybe I was a bit crazy or steal are but that moment changed my life forever.

So dear diary that’s why…
Today I was looking out the window and I imagine how great it would be to have a dinner with my friends. I imagined it like the best day of my life. That moment without thinking it twice I called my friends, I felt so motivated I invited them to a dinner by 9 pm. Obviously I was doing the cooking.
I was really happy, I felted and inspiration I rarely feel. I run down the stairs to my kitchen to see what I could use to create the most delicious dinner ever. Like always it seemed like the food had disappeared I had nothing I could use to make or start at least the dinner.
Therefore I went shopping. I bought a lot I could easily use it for a month. I bought rice, spaghetti, salad, soups, meat, chicken, and chocolate for the cake.
I got home and run like crazy around the kitchen, I had only 5 hours left to do everything the cooking, the table, and my self. I stared of by the salad I made two different types of salads Cesar salad, and Caprese salad, I prepared the dressings for the chicken and the meat, mean while the spaghettis cooked. The last thing I did was the deserts; brownie, chocolate cookies, Alfajores and cheese cake. I had everything ready to go the table was already too.
The only thing missing was me. That’s when the closet came out all my room was field with clothe sweaters, jumpers, jeans, pants, shoes, t-shirts etc.. But finally I found it the perfect match ever.
I was ready to have the amazing dinner ever it was perfect I felt so happy and proud of my self I run like crazy in the last five hours but at the end everything was perfect and ready.
The conclusion is dear diary that I may have run like crazy in the last five hours but there was no other feeling than seeing and feeling that feeling of proud.

Edi (Eduardo Alva)

My name is Eduardo, but I like being called edi, eddie, eddy, etc. This year I want to achieve my best at English by getting an A*.
I want to study marketing or something similiar related with money and the market, my strongest option is market study. I love listening to music (classic Rock, Led Zeppelin, The Who, etc) and be with my friends at weekends. :) ;) :P
PS. I love soccer. My favourite team is Juventus. :)


Motivation!!! What Makes Me Feel It???

School can be really tedious, especially when there are loads of homework and classes you hate and find really boring, like math or spanish. You have to wake up every school day (like daily), when there isn’t even sunlight!

But there is always that kind of things, minor details that make you able to continue that monotonous daily schedule which sometimes makes you go nuts. The type of things that makes of life something really cool: Friends, family, trips (with friends), and cool classes (like English) and so on.

For example, one Tuesday in the afternoon I was sitting in front of my computer with nothing else to do, really boring. There even wasn’t any homework to waste some time on, when suddenly my cell phone rang and it was by best friend, Jan. He told me he was going to the Roger Waters gig and he invited me. I didn’t even know Roger Waters were coming to Mexico and that many years ago he was a member of Pink Floyd! I asked my mum if I could go, she said I had to ask my dad, so I told Jan I had to call my dad and that then I would call him. I was 100% my dad would let me as he is also a Pink Floyd fan. I called my dad for authorisation and I finally went. It was the best concert I had ever been to: the music, the visual images, my favourite songs, I couldn’t believe it, it was really amazing and I couldn’t believe that one of the best moments of my life was planned in two seconds my a simple phone call.

I find that many of the greatest situations of my life are those that are not planned but spontaneous, always in the company of those who you love, friends and family. And even though I know my life, like many other millions around the world aren’t that influent in the course of the human history, the universe or a deeper meaning of life, I found that the meaning of life is to give it a meaning. It doesn’t matter if your life is almost insignificant in the world, as long as you feel happy in it, as long as you can live your life enjoying it with does who you love and doing what you like without worrying that much on your existence, as long as you feel the way you want to feel I think life’s something worth full to live.

Music, my favourite artists are Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and many others. I think if I had to choose something (apart from those who you love) in life that I couldn’t live with it would really be music. Life without music would be really tough; I can have TV, Internet, even electricity. I think music really defines you as a person as it is also an expressive art, that’s why I couldn’t live without it, TV and Internet are really silly things, not music. Music is one of those minor details, which makes of life something fantastic.

My Dream Car!


tonny maza

Hi, my name is Tonny. This year im going to get an A in English!!!! I enjoy learning in groups and finding things out for myself. I love anime, ninjai and ninjutsu

i love waffles

Santiago Sariñana

Hi, my name is Santiago and I'm going to get an A* or an A
I like to learn by interacting, when I grow up I want to be a Chef. I am going to France when I grow up to study cooking.

What Motivates Me?
At school I'm motivated to keep on working and to get good marks when I think about my future and all the "Doors" that can open if I'm successful at this school.
When I'm big I want to go study in a foreign country, Sweden to be more specific.

When I'm at Sweden I want to study at a good cooking school, since I want to be an awesome chef. I would like to study Hotel Management as well, so that i can have my own hotel in which i want my extremely good restaurant to be, I want this restaurant to be a really good and recognized one.

I am motivated as well when I think that at the end of the week I am probably going out with my friends. When I go out with my friends we usually go out to the movies, which although I like, I'm not always too keen of going, I prefer a thousand times going out to one of my friends house, or mine which is generally to the one we go since it's the one that has the biggest TV :D. I love when we go to my house and then walk to the Blockbuster to rent a movie (or a video game, but the girls hate when we do). After renting the movie we usually make a stop in the Starbucks next to it, then we head over to my place.

Weekends motivate me a lot since I get to sleep and to have lots of free time which I spend however I want. Weekends are what motivate me to do my Homework, because if I don't do it then I have to stay at home doing it, which is something I hate, so just thinking about weekends motivates me to do my homework.

My family has a big influence in my motivation as well. I am the biggest brother out of 3, I have a smaller brother named Emilio who is 14 years old and a little sister named Valentina who is 11 years old. Having a smaller brother and sister motivates me by making me think that I might influence in one of their decisions (My sister more likely my brother thinks he's 18). Valentina ALWAYS asks me to help her with her English homework which is something i hate doing, but it's something i must do being the older brother.

Who I Admire (Thus motivates me)
My mother doesn't know much English so whenever we go to the states I'm the one that does all the talking, unless I'm angry at the moment, in which case my mom will speak in her horrible English but she doesn't care what other people might think about her, she only cares for her and her family, this is why I admire her, because she is the less shy person I know. She motivates me to not be shy whenever I give presentations in front of an audience.

My father is a person I greatly admire because he has an awesome job: He owns a publicity company that has offices all around the world (He owns the Mexico one, not the whole Corp.) I love going to his office because over there at the basement they create video games for different clients, and my brother and sister and I get to test them and sometimes make corrections to the games. My father motivates me because he has a job that he loves to do, so he is not bored at work, and that is something I want when I grow up.

Selling a Table!

Are you one of those persons that never have where to put what you don’t want to hold anymore? Tired of having the same old boring table? Is your table not shiny enough? Is you table not pretty? Well look no more!! We have the best table you could ever imagine of in market! Buy this companion and you can achieve so much.

You're table will do everything you want it to do, with its robotic hands, ears and eyes it will hear specific commands and then perform them, for example: if you give the command “Pick this up” and then point at something, the table will immediately look at what you just pointed at and it will go pick it up and put it above it’s table.

Also you're new table is the better looking table you will ever see, it is made with the finest of wood for the legs and table and metal for its hands so that they can carry heavy things.

Also, you can transform this baby to any other colour! Why not try...Pitch Black, Olive green, or burnt orange? So what are you waiting for?

Renata Altamirano

My name is Renata, and this year im going to get an A in English!!!! I like finishing my homework early in the afternoon so I can get to do everything i like afterwards.... :) In the future im planing on getting into a great college and traveling around the world with my family!!!! I enjoy writing pieces of work in english, and evrytime I get better at it.

Who I Admire: Dear Diary, Today I spent the whole afternoon with my grandmother, Delfina, I knew I loved her a lot, but I realized how much I admire her. This year she will turn 81 years old, and she is still the most active woman I know. She married my grandfather 50 years ago and had four children. At the present time, all of them except for my mother live in different states here in Mexico; however that doesn’t stop my grandma from calling them every week and making sure they are all right. My grandma is originally from Cuba; however, she married in Brazil and then moved to Mexico like she always wanted. She has always worked hard; she went to college in Cuba and after all her children grew up, she went to school again to get her Master’s and PHD. Followed by that, she started as a teacher in Psychology and Human Development at the “Universidad Iberoamericana”, where she taught for 30 years until last year. She would never miss a lesson, we would say: “Why don’t you skip your Friday lesson, and we can go for a long weekend to Acapulco.” But she would make us wait and leave until Saturday because she wouldn’t have the students waiting for her. Now that she is older, she retired and spends her weekends going to the movies with my grandpa, which she enjoys very much. Also we get together every weekend for a meal or to go for a walk. For her birthday, I gave her a notebook with blank spaces for her to fill in about her own life story, and she will hopefully give it to me sooner or later. My grandmother motivates me and I admire her very much, because by now, that she is 80 years old, she has achieved all the goals and dreams she had since she was young. She was really successful at school and worked hard to get her PHD. All her students respect her very much, even though she is very strict. I hope one day I look back, and be happy that I made accomplished all my goals. The one at the moment I'm trying to get, is my A or A* in English!!!

Selling a Table: Are you tired of eating on the floor? Tired of getting your floor messy? Do you wish you just had money to buy a table? All this annoying problems will be over after buying this extraordinary, perfect, super cool "Table of the Future". This table is a revolution of technology; it has all the characteristics of a common table plus all its new incredible features! It bends all the ways you can imagine and it can be lean super fast. The best thing is that it is portable so you can carry it and place it wherever you like! You can even take it to a picnic, to work, or even your kids to school! You can own this marvelous table with its incredible features for an extremely low price!!! And if you pay it on a single payment, you will get for free the ultimate "Chair of the Future" So what are you waiting for? Go to any store and buy it now!!!!

Monday, 27 August 2007

Our Theme Tune!

Julen Murgia

hey,my name is Julen ... hmmm I like acomplishing things!! well when I put my mind to it and if I like what I´m trying to acomplish, for example music, I love music and I play guitar, I also love martial arts. In english this year, I´m hoping to get at least an "A" XD Ilove ninjutsu and parkour!!!E.N.T. Fons & Julen

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I really love all kinds of arts, music, photography, drawing, martial arts, etc. One of my furthermost inspirations in music is my brother. I started playing the guitar around the age of ten. My brother was already a musician, he played the guitar and had a rock band with his friends, he was the first to introduce the guitar in my life.

My brother is now living in Barcelona with his girl friend and his best friend (Jay Jay’s brother). He is a musical composer and has sold many discs. He started as a rock composer and had a band with his friends, however as time went by, he started getting more and more engrossed by psycho electronic music.

My brother has also inspired me in other ways; his intellect, way of thinking and his way of looking at things are the things that certainly motivate me. He is an eminent person, although some times we disagree with each other, he has helped me in so much things in many ways and has permanently been a grate inspiration and motivation in my life.

Another of my greatest motivations are martial arts. I want to be one of the best at martial arts and parkour. Ever sins I was young, I had a great affinity for martial arts and urban ninjism. I started martial arts around the age of eight, and consequently loved it. I have dunn about five different martial arts in my life, karate, tae-kuan-do, kung fu, jiujutsu, and, the one that I most love and favor, ninjutsu.

Through out the years, the martial art, which I love most and still up to date practice, is ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is what I take to be the most complete, varied, efficient martial art there is; ninjutsu uses techniques of different martial arts to have more knowledge and ability to be able to thrive above all.

Still, I think that the greatest of both my motivations and inspirations are my friends. I don’t know what I would do or where I would be with out them; probably lost. My friends always help and support me when I am most needy; and I am motivated to help them and be of support when ever they are in need; and never give up...


My name is Andrea and i'm 15. I live at my house with my parents and my sister Natalia.
What I like to do for fun is to hang out with my best Friends Claire, Natalia, Maria, Paola, Moni, Raquel and Cosima, and just go to starbucks and talk but we also are known as the Royal Scandals (hehe) because we always go to parties and end up doing something crazy.
When I feel really low and want to feel motivated, I either talk to one of my friends and go for a coffe or just star listening to music (loud).
What motivates me at school are my friends but also my family because they're always cheereing me up and making positive comments and I just feel really happy and work better.
I know that this year I will get an A* because I really enjoy english specially writting about what I want.
What I like to for fun is to play the guitarr (though I'm not good) and write in my diary because I always feel better.
My favourite band are the Beatles because I love tehy're music.
For me, motivation is a really complicated thing, because it means that you have to feel secure enough to achieve something you really want, and no all peaple can do that...When you feel motivated, you feel happy and thats why you achieve your goal.
I really want to get an "A" in english because I really like writing and it exites me that i'm capable of speaking a second language and I think it opens you lots of doors to the future.
Motivation is one of my favourite words because it mean "feelling positive and capable" and although is hard to sometimes achieve that, when you get to it you feel pretty ggood about yourself.

Jose Julio Perez Lerma








Answer for question number 2:

I'll be desccribing on two of the most important people in my life which is my sister Ximena and my brother Carlos. Well my sister lives in London, she has lived there for a little bit more than 3 years now. She has a very important and facinating job, she works at the Savoy Hotel, one of the most old and classic hotels in the UK. Ximena has travelled literally throughout the whole world, she has visited almost every corner od the planet within 5 years since she left her homeland Mexico to study at Les Roches academy of hotel managing. She currently lives with her boyfriend Chris, a hardwork australian which I pleasantly go along with.
My brother Carlos lives currently in Barcelona Spain (before he lived in Madrid)with his best friend, he left Mexico to study music 3 years ago and I have never seen him since, but I know he is doing great, he is a great musician he has composed very creative ideas along with his best friend Mikeldi. These two people have influenced my life a lot, I really want to do what they have done so far such as travelling, know different cultures, how do people live in other places?









Music, words, ambitions, friends, artists, memories, people, inspirations!

I wanna see what motivates you!!

Sunday, 26 August 2007


Hello A TEAM and welcome to YOUR website!

Hello A TEAM and welcome to YOUR website!

Your first assignment which is due in on Monday 3rd September is to create a profile of what motivates you!

This can include......

moving images, photographs, podcasts, diagrams, blog journals, etc etc.....

It MUST least 500 words of your writing! IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM...NOTES..DIALOGUE...NARRATIVE...



Your work will be graded on the SEP SYSTEM - 1 - 10!!