My name is Millaray Carranza. This year I want to get an A in English.This are some of the thins I love doing;Cooking,Shopping and travelling.
Dear diary:
I remembered about the moment I started with my cooking. I got feminine chicken pox at the age of seven. I had coat the sickness at school, all my school friends had it. My mother had brought me to the doctor’s office that evening and the pediatrician had put me on a protector cream to take that ichie thing of me, and told my mother to have me rest in bed.
I rested in bed for about ten days. My mother recalls that on the tenth night when she put me to bed, my lips were more red than usual, ( that was because I ate a lollipop before I went to bed).
It was horrible I was board the only thing I could do was see tv but not all the time; at first I thought It was interesting and I was so happy I could stay home and see tv but after the sixth day I felt stuffed.
The last thing I seen in the television was a cooking lesson in Hawaii the tv was on but my brain wasn’t so I did not put attention at all at the program.
Day 7: at night at 4am I dreamed about a lovely dinner with my favorite things but the strangest thing was that the chef was me. It was horrible but the best thing I remembered was that the food was better than ever.
The next morning about 8:00 A.M., I woke up and hoped that I could taste that love taste I had ate the night before again today. That day was the day I had the strangest thought, when I went back in my dream I remembered that the chef was me so the creasiest idea came to my head. I run down the stairs to the kitchen and started with my buffet.
That’s why 8 years later I feel motivated by cooking and also the cooking has converted in the best thing I can do in my free time.
Going back the only thing I can say is that maybe I was a bit crazy or steal are but that moment changed my life forever.
So dear diary that’s why…
Today I was looking out the window and I imagine how great it would be to have a dinner with my friends. I imagined it like the best day of my life. That moment without thinking it twice I called my friends, I felt so motivated I invited them to a dinner by 9 pm. Obviously I was doing the cooking.
I was really happy, I felted and inspiration I rarely feel. I run down the stairs to my kitchen to see what I could use to create the most delicious dinner ever. Like always it seemed like the food had disappeared I had nothing I could use to make or start at least the dinner.
Therefore I went shopping. I bought a lot I could easily use it for a month. I bought rice, spaghetti, salad, soups, meat, chicken, and chocolate for the cake.
I got home and run like crazy around the kitchen, I had only 5 hours left to do everything the cooking, the table, and my self. I stared of by the salad I made two different types of salads Cesar salad, and Caprese salad, I prepared the dressings for the chicken and the meat, mean while the spaghettis cooked. The last thing I did was the deserts; brownie, chocolate cookies, Alfajores and cheese cake. I had everything ready to go the table was already too.
The only thing missing was me. That’s when the closet came out all my room was field with clothe sweaters, jumpers, jeans, pants, shoes, t-shirts etc.. But finally I found it the perfect match ever.
I was ready to have the amazing dinner ever it was perfect I felt so happy and proud of my self I run like crazy in the last five hours but at the end everything was perfect and ready.
The conclusion is dear diary that I may have run like crazy in the last five hours but there was no other feeling than seeing and feeling that feeling of proud.