hey,my name is Julen ... hmmm I like acomplishing things!! well when I put my mind to it and if I like what I´m trying to acomplish, for example music, I love music and I play guitar, I also love martial arts. In english this year, I´m hoping to get at least an "A" XD Ilove ninjutsu and parkour!!!E.N.T. Fons & Julen
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I really love all kinds of arts, music, photography, drawing, martial arts, etc. One of my furthermost inspirations in music is my brother. I started playing the guitar around the age of ten. My brother was already a musician, he played the guitar and had a rock band with his friends, he was the first to introduce the guitar in my life.
My brother is now living in Barcelona with his girl friend and his best friend (Jay Jay’s brother). He is a musical composer and has sold many discs. He started as a rock composer and had a band with his friends, however as time went by, he started getting more and more engrossed by psycho electronic music.
My brother has also inspired me in other ways; his intellect, way of thinking and his way of looking at things are the things that certainly motivate me. He is an eminent person, although some times we disagree with each other, he has helped me in so much things in many ways and has permanently been a grate inspiration and motivation in my life.
Another of my greatest motivations are martial arts. I want to be one of the best at martial arts and parkour. Ever sins I was young, I had a great affinity for martial arts and urban ninjism. I started martial arts around the age of eight, and consequently loved it. I have dunn about five different martial arts in my life, karate, tae-kuan-do, kung fu, jiujutsu, and, the one that I most love and favor, ninjutsu.
Through out the years, the martial art, which I love most and still up to date practice, is ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is what I take to be the most complete, varied, efficient martial art there is; ninjutsu uses techniques of different martial arts to have more knowledge and ability to be able to thrive above all.
Still, I think that the greatest of both my motivations and inspirations are my friends. I don’t know what I would do or where I would be with out them; probably lost. My friends always help and support me when I am most needy; and I am motivated to help them and be of support when ever they are in need; and never give up...
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julen julen julen julen julen julen julen julen juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
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